Revenue Simplified

Contact Revenue Simplified

Contact Us

Our Offices at 1701 Legacy DR. Frisco, TX



The Facts

Community hospitals have been closing at an alarming rate since the passing of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2010. The ACA has driven up deductibles and co-pays for the insured population. The unintended consequence is that more people who seek service at community hospitals are unable to pay for their portion of the visit. Couple high-deductibles that go unpaid with very low insurance reimbursements from major carriers and you create a significant cash flow challenge.

Our Pledge

At Revenue Simplified, we provide community-based hospitals with low cost/high quality revenue cycle management solutions that help ensure their survival. We believe that with better processes, more specific clinical documentation, and greater insights, we can increase the operational margins and cash flow position of most community hospitals.


Get back to the business of patient care. Add our team to your business office staff today!

4508 Texas Blvd | Texarkana, TX 75503

hours: 8am-5pm Monday thru Friday

tel: 214-364-6184


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